The Open Door Christian Fellowship

The Vision – is to plant a new church in the South Park Estate

The earliest Christian Church met regularly in each other’s homes and in the Temple grounds: they shared everything, gave God glory, sought to know Him more and were seen to do good things.  Their actions drew others to God and so the church grew.

This should not surprise us,  Jesus had said that the Gospel would be shared this way.

Our desire is to create a Christian community in which the love of Jesus is seen, shared and made known through our sacrificial love, care and commitment to one-another, echoing that which our great Shepherd has shown to us, His little flock.

This loving community of believers will draw people’s interest and help in the ultimate aims of making Christ known, glorifying God and seeing the Kingdom grow in this corner of Norwich.

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”

                                                                                                               John, Chapter 13, Verses 34-35

Welcome to

The Open Door Christian Fellowship


Collection point

Collection Point