Asking (expecting) our doctors to kill people is not a step forward as a society. The press has jumped on Esther Rantzen's comments and effectively supported her cause by giving her massive free publicity: How many have given space to the likes of Nadine Dorries (see NADINE DORRIES: Daily Mail Online) and her heartfelt plea not to make such changes to the law in this country.
Contrary to some reports, the experience in other countries has not been positive. In Canada, many ill and elderly patients have reported feeling pressured into accepting euthanasia and being made to feel as though they are a burden who should accept this route out of duty (to their families; the care sector and their nation). Let us not follow suit!
Every society has legal consequences for killing another person.
The very essence of sin against God is trying to take His place. When we choose to disobey one of His laws, we are deciding that we know better; we are making ourselves God.
God has set a date and time for our birth and for our death.
Choosing the date and time of our own death - or asking medical professionals to end our lives - means that we are seeking to take God's place in making that decision, and drawing others into the error.
Please, please, please do not be led astray by well-meaning celebrities promoting a cause that would lead to an expectation on our doctors to commit murder.